Today (6th May 2021) marks exactly a year since our vibrant University, C.K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences was inaugurated with a unique mandate as stipulated in ACT 1000, to disseminate knowledge related to theory and practical development in integrated technology and applied sciences.
One year on, some significant milestones have been chalked in the areas of teaching, learning, research, governance, staff development, and stakeholder relations management among others. This has been possible notwithstanding the fact that the newly born center of excellence was outdoored in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, coupled with the teething problems of inadequate lecture halls and laboratories, inadequate office space, and lack of residential facilities for Management and Staff of the University.
First and foremost, CKT-UTAS was given a unique identity with the design and use of a logo whose constituent parts depicts the DNA of the University (biological sciences, genetic engineering, and the health and allied sciences in general), academic freedom, and the passion to pursue the vision and mandate of the University. This was reinforced by our motto: Creativity, Innovation and Transformation.
During the period under review, our student population grew exponentially from One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy (1,770) to Three Thousand, One Hundred, and Fifty Eight (3,158). The Assessment criteria were also changed with more emphasis on continuous assessment rather than paper and pen end-of-semester examination (70:30).
In line with the ACT establishing CKT-UTAS (ACT1000) and to further enhance quality service delivery, conscious efforts are being made to restructure existing faculties and to roll out new programmes. The School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) is a product of such effort.
It is worth mentioning that the Investiture of the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar into office, as well as the Matriculation of the first batch of students (249 Diploma, 595 undergraduate and 331 post-graduate), took place on the same day (Saturday, 6th February 2021).
In pursuance of Management’s resolve to ensure fairness in labour practices and to project CKT-UTAS’ track record as an equal opportunities Employer, 47 new staff, mainly teaching personnel were recruited while a total of forty (40) individuals were either promoted or upgraded to deserving grades or positions. They include 3 Professors, 5 Associate Professors, 1 Deputy Registrar, 8 Senior Lecturers, 1 Senior Assistant Registrar, 3 Assistant Registrars, 4 Junior Assistant Registrars/Equivalents, and 15 Senior Staff.
The University also made strides in its relations with strategic stakeholders such as policymakers, chiefs, development partners, and research institutions. This culminated in the Government of Ghana procuring vehicles and furniture for principal officers, as well as the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with some corporate entities to improve teaching, learning, research, and institutional governance. Some brilliant but needy students also benefited from a Corporate Social Responsibility Package extended by CKT-UTAS to selected traditional areas within the University’s Catchment area.
The Management of CKT-UTAS has also assumed supervisory responsibility for ongoing projects, including the library, central laboratory, underground water tank, office complex, auditorium, and tarring of roads from UDS. Through the instrumentality of Management, a solar power system has been installed at the forecourt of the Spanish Laboratory. The Council Chamber has also been given a facelift as a result of refurbishment undertaken by Management and sponsored by Republic Bank. In a similar vein, Fidelity Bank sponsored the erection of a huge Billboard at a vantage point in Navrongo, in an effort to make CKT-UTAS more visible.
On this special occasion of the 1st Anniversary of CKT-UTAS, I salute the Governing Council chaired by Professor Gordon Awandare for providing strategic direction, the Academic Board and Convocation for their support, and my Team; the Pro Vice- Chancellor, Professor Albert Luguterah, the Registrar, Dr. V.A. Ankamah- Lomotey, Director of Finance, Mr. Anaamoatulim Anab, and the Deputy Registrar in charge of Academic Affairs, Mr. Gilbert Ansoglenang for their tireless efforts. I also wish to thank all Deans, Directors, other academic and administrative Heads as well as all our hardworking staff and students for your invaluable contributions thus far. We also owe the Government, Chiefs, Development Partners, and the General Public a great debt of gratitude.
This is just the beginning; the sky is not the limit!
Long live CKT-UTAS!
Long live Ghana!